About us
Our Mission
Lead together with entrepreneurs, venture capital funds, investors and corporations more successful innovation businesses!
Seedbiz Group Ecosystem
Exchange of Information
Meet the community, attend lectures by industry experts, 1-on-1 expert consultations
Practical Approach
Do the research, plan and form your company, prepare for and meet with investors and partners
Leverage Our Network
Connect you with strategic partners and VC investors.
Core Team
Daniel Kugler
CEO and Director of Business Department
An entrepreneur and owner of several businesses, an expert on management, building a strategy and raising capital. Led many capital raising rounds, very experienced in operation management and organization management.
Amos Talmor
Director of finance and investor connections department
With over 45 years of experience in international marketing and sales, developing new markets, and guiding startups to success, Amos is highly known in the Israeli high-tech sector as a thought leader and commercial innovator for startups. Amos specialises in helping early stage companies maximise their business and technological potential and competitive edge.
Nitsan Peleg
Serial entrepreneur. Nitsan has always had the PR spirit; maintaining a strong network of business connections with market leaders. Nitsan actively mentors entrepreneurs and business owners in developing their business and conducting smart deal negotiations.
Amir Dinur
Director of Business Operation
Founder and former CEO of SeismicAI. 20 years of experience in business management and development, led successful transactions with a cumulative amount of millions of dollars. Amir specializes in markets in Asia, the US, South America and Europe. In addition, he has experience in raising tens of millions of capital, serves as a board member of American financial funds.
Meir Kugler
Senior Economist and Director of the Finance Department
A director at several communications companies – Tadiran, Pelephone, and Bezeq International. Meir has many years of experience in the fields of command and control, financial reporting, and investment feasibility assessments.
Neta Baraban
Director of Business Unit
As a seasoned business developer, Aharon mentors and develops businesses from idea stage, business model planning to preparing entrepreneurs to go out and close capital funding.
Aharon Granik
VP Business Development
As a seasoned business developer, Aharon mentors and develops businesses from idea stage, business model planning to preparing entrepreneurs to go out and close capital funding.
Aviran Cohen
Art Director
Has over a decade of rich working experience. Executed large projects for large institutions and organizations. Has unique talent and touch that upgrade the marketing processes for projects, leading to measurable results.
Yoav Kugler
Experienced and versatile web developer, Yoav thinks strategically when it comes to planning technical projects, and uses his expertise in automation for process/system management and efficiency. Yoav previously earned his bachelor degree in psychology studies.
Yanir Raz
Business Analyst
Has over a decade of experience in collecting and analyzing data, conducting in-depth research and advising the managements of start-ups and giant companies.
Nachshon Tirman
Business Analyst
Business analyst and entrepreneur with rich experience in a variety of fields. He has extensive business and marketing knowledge and experience with the help of which he cracks the most complex market research. He holds a master’s degree in management and information systems from the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Alon Shahak
Advisor - Innovation & Business Development
specialist in innovation and business development, formerly the Homeland Security, Cyber, and Aerospace Manager at the Israel Export Institute (IEI), and now working in the private sector. Specializes in identifying new trends, creating business opportunities and connecting with customers and investors globally. In addition, Alon lectures on Cyber Security, Innovation and Business Development in Israel and abroad on business and academic panels.
Wadie Abu Daoud
Statistician & data scientist
Has extensive experience in performing statistical analysis
And accompanies entrepreneurs in the proof-of-concept stages
Alon Poraz
Government Grants Expert
Lawyer and accountant by profession, Alon specializes in sourcing state grants and benefits, and state guarantees for loans. Alon used to be an income tax supervisor, these days he provides taxation consultation vis-a-vis large high tech companies, entrepreneurs, and building contractors.
Ofir Buskila
Administrative Director
Has experience in the banking system and operations management
Rinat Mizan
Administrative Director
How does your success impact everyone’s quality of life?
Our Agenda
Every experienced entrepreneur and investor knows what ingredients make make a successful startup
The main ingredient isn’t the idea itself as much as it is the entrepreneur behind the idea. Entrepreneurs are the energy that fuels as a startup, not to mention navigates it through the ups and downs of the venture. This requires skill, expertise, and a good team to work with.
The problem with today’s society that most people know the brand Pango Nike, Waze, and others. But nobody knows Uri Levene (Founder of Waze), or Shlomo Zeitman (Pango Inventor), or Phil Knight (Founder of Nike).
“Burn Your Ships”
In the year 1519, Hernán Cortés arrived in the New World on his ships with six hundred men to venture into the unexplored continent. Upon arrival, Cortés made history by destroying his ships in front of his people. The reason? To send a clear message to his men: There is no turning back.
Two years later, Cortés and his team succeeded in their conquest of the Aztec empire.
Although we are long past the days of conquering unknown continents, this story sends us, modern day entrepreneurs, a strong message; that you must commit yourself fully to your ventures in order to succeed. Holding on to your job, or at very least having planning an escape route back to a new job in your mind holds you back from your success.
We strongly believe that entrepreneurs cannot succeed by holding on to their ships.
Starting a venture takes full hearted commitment and dedication to your journey. Failures and pains don’t prevent success, they make success.
The large majority of the greatest entrepreneurs that ever lived failed at the first venture, but succeeded incredibly in their second or third venture. They can only attribute their success to the experience they gained and lessons they learned from their first tries.
Examples of entrepreneurs that burnt their ships and succeeded are Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, and most of the greatest entrepreneurs in the world.
First Plan, Then Execute
There are some investors that dive head first into building their product, long before properly researching the market, building a business model, planning ahead financially and strategically.
What inevitably happens is the entrepreneurs have a finished product with no buyers, or a product that does not meet the basic needs of the market, and they end up having wasted time and money. In business, pragmatism wins. Plan first, execute second.